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Creating your Festival of Ariel perfume

"Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower

and draws all good things towards you" 

- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Festival of Ariel Perfume

It's said that "things worth having are worth waiting for" and that's certainly so when you order your Festival of Ariel personalised handcrafted natural perfume.


In an age of instant gratification, waiting isn't something we're used to. You may need patience for the process of creating your perfume before you can receive it.


The process begins with you completing a short questionnaire.


You meet Carole face-to-face and have a 30-40 minute session to discuss your responses and intention for your perfume.


Carole creates your perfume, which needs two weeks or longer to synergise.


When it's ready, you receive a small sample of your perfume to test.


Inhale it deeply and apply it slowly to the inside of your wrists, elbows and behind your earlobes. This is not only to test the aroma on your skin but also to ensure there is no skin irritation.


Even if you love the aroma initially, wear the perfume sample for a few days to see how you feel about it.


The scent changes substantially over time - even within the first couple of hours after application.  What's important is whether you enjoy the aroma at all stages. There should be no "discordant" note.


If you don't like the aroma at any stage, you can discuss this with Carole who then creates another scent (up to three attempts if you don't like the first or second).


Once you're happy you receive your 15ml roll-on perfume concentrate and 50ml cologne spray.


Only then do you pay for your Festival of Ariel perfume and cologne.



15ml roll on perfume &

$50ml cologne package  $135

15ml roll on perfume   $85

50ml cologne $55

5ml roll on perfume-mini  $55


Payment by EFTPOS or cash

Festival of Ariel Perfume
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